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Welcome to WACA
Western Association of Court Administrators
Welcome to WACA
Susan Barnes Clay County Circuit Clerk’s Office
Shawna Chism Liberty Municipal Court
Brenda Christian Buckner Municipal Court
Nadine Douthit Belton Municipal Court
Marilyn Dunn Clay County Circuit Court
Phyllis Filley Platte City Municipal Court
Jenelle Fresh Lee’s Summit Municipal Court
Leslie Griffith Parkville Municipal Court
Janet Gustin Liberty Municipal Court
Lenora Holliway Houstan Lake Municipal Court
Debbie Reeves Holt Municipal Court
Linda Renz Avondale Municipal Court
Paula Robinson Lake Winnebago Municipal Court
Pam Shrout Buckner Municipal Court
Alberta Talken Raymore Municipal Court
Bonnie Thomas Excelsior Springs Municipal Court
Joan Updike Kearney Municipal Court
Sonya Wegener North Kansas City Municipal Court
Our Purpose
To associate any person serving in a non-judicial capacity as Court Clerk, Administrator, or in any other administrative capacity within the framework of court administration in an effort to enhance court administration.
Promoting and developing the Association as an agency for the professional benefit of Court Administrators and/or other officials or persons with the same or similar powers and duties.
Promoting a better understanding by the Court Administrator of his/her official duties, obligations and responsibilities.
Establishing and improving methods and procedures in record keeping in the field of Court Administration.
Promoting mutual cooperation and assistance between member and non-member Court Administrators.
Urging association members to be active participants in the Association and performing services which may best meet the interest and needs of the Association and the public we serve as court personnel